1. My first name is Marie-Sunshine (hyphenated), so most people call me, “Sun,” “Shine” or “Sunny” Very few people call me Marie.
2. I went to a French private school and did all of my subjects including math and science in French until University.
3. Being a mother to my sons Jack and Henry is the best thing that has ever happened to me. They say that when you become a mother it is like it is forever having your heart walking around outside your body – I couldn't agree more!
4. I was studying to become a lawyer when I got bitten by the internet marketing bug!
5. I LOVE, AM OBSESSED with vintage pyrex! I especially love the 50-60's primary colours, Friendship and Amish Butterprint in turquoise, orange and PINK! I love any of the promotional items as well. Want to buy me a present – I accept all things PYREX!
6. I love photography and could spend my days taking and editing pictures (and video!!).
7. I was an actor as child and loved being on stage. I studied at the New York Academy of Dramatic Arts as a teenager and loved spending my summers in New York City. What an experience! (In fact, Andrew recently saw me on TV. Ask him for the link!)
8. I am a big time FOODIE! Let Andrew and I loose in a market and we seriously could buy everything in sight. Trust me, we'd find a reason why we needed this spice, or that spice, why we needed that new kitchen appliance. We're super big into gluten free (because of both kids) and paleo food. We are making the transition to a completely grain free household and have found that almond flours and coconut flours do us just great for my other obsession- BAKING!!!! Of course, I still love some of my carbs – hence # 15 below…
9. I am a beer person but hardly ever drink (gluten.) I should probably try those gluten free beers!
10. I love buying real estate. To date Andrew and I have bought and sold real estate since we were 21 years old. I love fixing up homes, staging them and then re-selling them.
11. I met Andrew when we were in highschool and we essentially grew up together. I have known him for longer than I haven't. The relationship I have with him is one of the best things in my life. He truly is my best friend and the best father to our boys. He is an incredible man and I am lucky to “do life” with him by my side.
12. I am a Daddy's girl and though my father passed away 10 years now, there is not a day that I don't miss him. He taught me about entrepreneurialism and being your own boss. I wouldn't be here dictating how I live my life if he had not encouraged that in me from the time I was a wee one. He instilled in me the ability to tough it out, to be brave and to go after the kind of life I wanted and deserve.
13. I love homeschooling. I never thought I would be a homeschooling mama but because of circumstance that brought us to that point, here I am and I love it. Plus I love that my children are with me everyday.
14. I am huge health nut (though I wish I followed my own advice better!) Right now, I am trying to lose weight but not just physcially (although Andrew just lost 25lbs intermittent fasting – ask him about it!) . . . Anyways, when I say lose weight, I also mean emotionally, energetically and materially – I think there is a psychological weight of all these things and as I get older, I realize that carrying these “things” and being overburdened by these things don't serve me or anyone else that I care about.
15. My favourite food right now is kimchi fried rice as made by Deuki Hong. Check it out! It's sooooo GOOD!